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As Web3 continues to evolve, a variety of new technologies have emerged in the space, including oracles, Layer 2 solutions, multi-signature wallets, inscriptions, and account abstractions.Understanding and mastering these new technologies will enable participants to better capitalize on industry trends and uncover wealth opportunities.

Makaleler (57)

Covenants: Programmability of Bitcoin

Covenants: Programmability of Bitcoin

This article provides a comprehensive analysis and in-depth technical discussion. It not only explains how constraint mechanisms work but also explores the innovative applications they might bring and their long-term impact on the Bitcoin network and the broader blockchain ecosystem. Additionally, the article discusses the challenges faced in implementing these technologies and the considerations of the community, offering readers a holistic view to understand the ongoing technical innovations and discussions within the Bitcoin network.
May 30, 2024
ZK Rollups: Elephant In the Room

ZK Rollups: Elephant In the Room

Zero-knowledge proofs have the potential to create a more private and scalable blockchain ecosystem. However, many aspects of zero-knowledge are misunderstood or differ from commonly perceived implementations. This article analyzes ZKPs from two main perspectives: zero-knowledge and succinctness. When ZKPs and ZK rollups eventually mature technologically, they will certainly offer better solutions to address the blockchain trilemma.
May 28, 2024
BitVM and OP-DLC: Next-Gen Bitcoin Layer 2 Cross-Chain Bridges

BitVM and OP-DLC: Next-Gen Bitcoin Layer 2 Cross-Chain Bridges

This article introduces optimization ideas for BTC withdrawal bridges and the OP-DLC bridge proposed by Bitlayer to address the deficiencies of BitVM bridges. This technology allows for lightweight smart contract functionality on the Bitcoin chain, reducing reliance on central authorities and increasing the decentralization and trustlessness of transactions.
May 27, 2024
What Are The Features And Functions Of CyberConnect's Social Re-Staking L2 "Cyber"?

What Are The Features And Functions Of CyberConnect's Social Re-Staking L2 "Cyber"?

The transformation into a social re-staking modular L2 is not only a technological leap for Cyber but also a profound exploration and forward-looking layout for the future of social networks. The article explains how Cyber operates and its features, providing a truly decentralized environment. This allows users to expand their influence more fairly and directly, and build closer connections with their fans.
May 27, 2024
Complete Guide to Learning RGB: Resources and Materials

Complete Guide to Learning RGB: Resources and Materials

RGB is a technology that is not limited to crypto. It can be widely used in our non-crypto scenarios. As the protocol becomes more mature, we will see more and more use cases.
May 27, 2024
Utilizing GitHub Data for Investment Decisions

Utilizing GitHub Data for Investment Decisions

GitHub, as a development platform for open-source projects, provides rich data resources that can help investors understand the health of cryptocurrency projects and the level of developer engagement. The article emphasizes three key aspects of GitHub activity: transparency and open development, developer participation and community strength, and its function as an early warning system. By analyzing quantitative indicators such as commit frequency, issue resolution, branches, and stars, investors can assess project activity, community engagement, and project popularity. The article suggests that investors incorporate GitHub data into their risk management, project comparison, and strategic investment decisions. Using Ethereum as a case study, it demonstrates the high activity and number of contributors in its GitHub repository, reflecting the vitality of its ecosystem.
May 27, 2024
Turbos Finance: Technology First, Ensuring DeFi Goes on Sui

Turbos Finance: Technology First, Ensuring DeFi Goes on Sui

Turbos recently launched two innovative liquidity strategies in the Sui DEX, hoping to provide new opportunities for market participants. These include the innovative SUI-USDC automated rebalance vault and SUI-USDC DCA strategy based on the CLMM DEX, operating in a decentralized manner to provide users with real-time and accurate token pricing. Turbos also introduced an innovative intelligent routing mechanism designed for the Sui-Move language, a first for the Sui DEX ecosystem, enabling more efficient swap levels.
May 27, 2024
How EthStorge Helps DAPP Achieve True Trustlessness

How EthStorge Helps DAPP Achieve True Trustlessness

The EthStorage team proposed the web3:// access protocol and the EthStorage second-layer storage protocol, aiming to help decentralized applications (DAPP) achieve true trustlessness. Most of the current DAPP front-ends and databases are not deployed on Ethereum and cannot fully inherit the security of Ethereum. The web3:// protocol allows front-end code to be deployed and accessed through smart contracts, while the EthStorage protocol reduces on-chain data storage costs through PoRA and zero-knowledge proofs. These two technologies enable DAPP to get closer to Ethereum’s decentralized vision and achieve permanent operation and censorship resistance.
May 23, 2024
The Difference Between Solana and ETH Programming Models

The Difference Between Solana and ETH Programming Models

This article compares the smart contract programming models of Solana and Ethereum. Solana's on-chain programs are similar to Ethereum's smart contracts, but Solana offers a different runtime environment through its unique account model and data decoupling approach. Solana's account model separates code and data storage, enhancing security. Solana primarily uses the Rust language for smart contract development, which offers high performance and security but has a steep learning curve. Ethereum, on the other hand, mainly uses Solidity, providing a simpler and more mature development experience. Despite the development challenges with Solana, its high throughput, low costs, and scalability make it an ideal choice for developing high-performance dApps.
May 22, 2024
The Last Piece of the Web3 Puzzle

The Last Piece of the Web3 Puzzle

Modular blockchain is not just a technological shift but also a crucial strategy to drive the entire blockchain ecosystem toward future challenges. We will dissect the concept of modular blockchain, analyze related projects, and provide a comprehensive, practical interpretation of modular blockchain knowledge to help readers better understand. At the same time, we will also look ahead to future development trends. If the ecosystem can be more harmonious and interconnected, users will be able to use blockchain technology more easily, which will also attract more new users to Web3.
May 22, 2024
Evolution of Decentralized Cloud Services

Evolution of Decentralized Cloud Services

Decentralized cloud services have always been one of the most important applications of blockchain. Web3 + cloud services are not only a very good narrative direction, but also very easy to combine with AI to further enhance the imagination. DFINITY IC has great technical challenges in achieving real-time consensus calculations in a purely asynchronous environment such as cloud services. Arweave AO breaks the shackles of the blockchain and does not deal with the calculation itself and the achievement of consensus. Instead, it employs an economic model and lazy verification to guarantee the accuracy of computation results, offering a novel approach to decentralized computing.
May 22, 2024
Evolution of DeFi Hooks: From Uniswap V4 Contract Security to Artela Native Protocol

Evolution of DeFi Hooks: From Uniswap V4 Contract Security to Artela Native Protocol

This article explains the concept of the Hooks programming model, which allows developers to insert custom code into the execution path of the system, application or library through predefined functions or code blocks, improving the scalability and customizability of the program. Uniswap V4 introduces Hooks, through which functions such as dynamic fees, on-chain price limit orders, and time-weighted average market makers can be implemented, enhancing the functions of DApp and the network effect of Uniswap.
May 21, 2024
Crypto Trading Bot Development

Crypto Trading Bot Development

The goal of both AI and algorithmic cryptocurrency trading bot development is to enhance trading efficiency, yet they differ significantly in crucial aspects. Understanding these differences is essential for traders seeking to effectively leverage automated trading strategies.
May 21, 2024
Decentralized Computing and Alpha Gems

Decentralized Computing and Alpha Gems

The article discusses the concept, application directions, and related cryptocurrency projects of decentralized computing. Decentralized computing mainly involves processing data to output results, with its biggest market demand being AI training. Despite facing technical challenges such as data synchronization, network optimization, and data privacy and security issues, decentralized computing holds tremendous potential in the field of AI.
May 15, 2024
Navigating Cryptocurrency Tax Obligations

Navigating Cryptocurrency Tax Obligations

As cryptocurrency adoption increases, it becomes more crucial to address the complexities of cryptocurrency taxation. Understanding how taxes apply to your cryptocurrency transactions is essential for ensuring compliance and avoiding potential penalties. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore everything you need to know about cryptocurrency taxation and how to effectively manage your tax obligations.
May 14, 2024
Kripto Bilgisine Açılan Kapınız, Makale Uyarılarını Doğrudan Gelen Kutunuza Alın.
Kripto Bilgisine Açılan Kapınız, Makale Uyarılarını Doğrudan Gelen Kutunuza Alın.