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2024: New Cycle, New Issues, New Concepts

IntermediateApr 30, 2024
As we enter 2024, blockchain technology and market prospects stand at the threshold of a new cycle, where innovation and challenges intertwine. This year marks the innovation of Rollup technology and ZK-EVM.
2024: New Cycle, New Issues, New Concepts

In 2024, within the blockchain technology and market outlook, we stand at a crossroads of diverse innovation and complex challenges. With the innovation of Rollup technology, the breakthrough of ZK-EVM, the rise of decentralized orderers, and the deep maturation of the DeFi ecosystem, the entire industry seems to be entering a new stage of development. The delicate balance between security and decentralization, user experience and cost-effectiveness, and the infinite possibilities brought by technological integration are all key themes that we need to delve into in the coming years.

In 2024, we will witness the arrival of a “super cycle” in cryptocurrencies, not only due to the cyclical effects of the economy but also because the integration of the traditional financial world with decentralized finance will propel the crypto market into an unprecedented growth phase. The “Value Network Effect” (VNE) will become a new standard for measuring the influence of crypto assets.

Innovation Of Rollup, The Breakthrough Of ZK-EVM, And The Rise Of Decentralized Orderers

Source: https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/44487?

Innovation and Integration of Rollup Technology

  • The Balance Between Security and Decentralization: Between optimistic Rollup and zero-knowledge Rollup, we witness a core contradiction - how to maintain the decentralized nature of the network while ensuring data integrity and security. This is not only a technical challenge but also a philosophical reflection, leading to an in-depth exploration of the “Security-Decentralization Equilibrium Theorem”.
  • Optimization of User Experience and Cost-effectiveness: Optimistic Rollup sacrifices transaction speed for cost-effectiveness, while zero-knowledge Rollup struggles to address high-cost issues. This prompts us to consider how to balance the two through “Dynamic Optimization Algorithm” to achieve the optimal state of user experience and cost-effectiveness.
  • Exploration of Hybrid Rollup: The exploration of combining the advantages of optimistic Rollup and zero-knowledge Rollup into hybrid Rollup signifies the relentless pursuit of a perfect decentralized network architecture. This attempt not only opens up new paths for achieving higher security and user experience but also drives the practical development of the “Hybrid Decentralization Framework”.

Double-Edged Sword Effect of MEV

  • The Expansion and Network Oversight of MEV Ecosystem: With the rapid development of the MEV ecosystem, network oversight issues are becoming increasingly prominent, especially among large staking service providers and MEV participants. This phenomenon has sparked exploration into “MEV Governance Mechanisms,” aiming to find strategies to balance ecosystem health and economic incentives.
  • Decentralization vs. MEV: The rise of MEV presents a challenge to the principles of decentralization, prompting a reconsideration of the concept of “Decentralization Value Maximization (DVM)” and how to effectively leverage MEV while maintaining network decentralization.

Breakthroughs and Integration of Cutting-edge Technologies

  • Advanced Implementation of ZK-EVM: ZK-EVM, by achieving compatibility with Ethereum’s EVM while enhancing verification efficiency, has opened up new possibilities for “Zero-Knowledge Computation Optimization,” indicating the potential to improve network efficiency while safeguarding privacy.
  • Innovation of ePBS Protocol: As an extension of PBS, ePBS introduces a more flexible market structure, offering a new reinforcement path for decentralization of the Ethereum network. This innovation is not only a technical breakthrough but also a validation of “Protocol-Level Decentralization Strategy” in practice.

Deep Maturation of the DeFi Ecosystem: Capital Efficiency Dancing with Innovation.

Source: https://defillama.com/lsd

Cosmic Expansion and Intelligent Evolution of the LSDFi Market

With the arrival of 2024, the LSDFi market stands at a crossroads of growth and innovation, preparing to embrace a cosmic expansion driven by both technological progress and capital inflows. In this expansion process, assets like Lido’s stETH are not only market darlings but also key factors defining a new era, signaling the blueprint for the continuous evolution of the LSDFi ecosystem. The involvement of centralized trading platforms has stirred up a storm of redefining rules in the arena.

The LSDFi market in 2024 is expected to become a crucible of competition and innovation, with participants vying for users’ attention and capital favor by providing mechanisms beyond the conventional, thus giving rise to a vibrant yet fiercely competitive ecosystem. Giants like Lido, Coinbase, and Rocket Pool will use their market advantages to fortify their positions, while emerging forces like Puffer Finance seek innovative breakthroughs, igniting market diversity.

In terms of technological innovation, the LSDFi market in 2024 will witness the widespread application of cutting-edge technologies like AVS, bringing unprecedented leaps in security and efficiency to the entire ecosystem. Particularly, the introduction of the EigenLayer protocol, with its innovative over-collateralization mechanism, not only enhances market capital efficiency but also injects new vitality into the entire LSDFi ecosystem.

Source: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/152197695

Competition Alchemy: From Clash of Interests to Symbiotic Integration.

In 2024, the evolution of the DeFi ecosystem is demonstrating its depth and maturity, signaling a synchronous dance between capital efficiency revolution and innovation. This not only shapes new ways of wealth growth but also reshapes the fundamental interaction between us and wealth. In this evolution, the emergence and development of DeSyn Protocol serve as a leading innovative demonstration, injecting new vitality into the DeFi ecosystem by combining its core values - openness, transparency, and decentralization - with efficient capital utilization.

Firstly, the “Staking Derivatives Innovation Model (SDIM)” marks the beginning of DeFi ecosystem maturity. Through SDIM, capital efficiency is significantly improved, fostering the development of emerging DeFi applications and providing users with unprecedented financial freedom and flexibility. This is not just the art of balancing liquidity and returns but a new paradigm for enhancing the experience of DeFi participants. Under this model, protocols like DeSyn enable users to enjoy high yields, capital security, and investment convenience, while also benefiting from unique revenue bonuses from multiple projects.

Furthermore, “Cross-Chain Liquidity Solutions” and the “Physical-Digital Asset Fusion Model (PDAFM)” will redefine the future direction of the DeFi market. This fusion not only increases market liquidity but also provides a solid foundation for market stability. Within this framework, protocols like DeSyn Protocol become “Pioneers of DeFi Super-Applications (PDFSA)”, pushing the DeFi market to expand into a broader range of financial services through technological innovation and optimization of user experience.

As the Ethereum ecosystem continues to mature, “Liquidity Weaving” and “DeFi Lattice” are expected to become new hot concepts. Liquidity Weaving seamlessly connects liquidity from different assets and platforms through smart contracts and Layer 2 technology, building a powerful liquidity network. DeFi Lattice is a more macroscopic concept, symbolizing in the decentralized world, various financial services and products can freely combine and recombine like atoms in a lattice through various on-chain protocols, forming a diverse, highly customizable financial service ecosystem.

DeSyn, as a DeFi infrastructure project, not only provides a platform and framework but also demonstrates through its “team battle” concept how to organically organize various parts of the DeFi ecosystem to achieve common goals and obtain corresponding benefits. This model not only promotes the healthy development of the DeFi ecosystem but also provides a win-win ecosystem for participants such as investors, fund managers, project parties, and security institutions. In such an ecosystem, each participant can enjoy lucrative returns while ensuring the safety of capital.

Double-Edged Sword of Bitcoin Technological Innovation: The Choice Between Innovation and Adaptability

Source: https://www.techflowpost.com/article/detail_15939.html

When exploring the future trajectory of the Bitcoin ecosystem, we face a dual challenge: on one hand, the driving force of technological innovation, and on the other hand, the balancing force of adaptability within the existing system. In 2024, this challenge will be significantly reflected in the technological evolution of the Bitcoin network, with the introduction of emerging protocols such as Ordinals, BRC-20, Atomicals, and Runes. They signify that Bitcoin is no longer merely serving as a store of value but expanding into multidimensional spaces like NFTs and DeFi.

Co-evolution of Technological Innovation and Ecological Adaptation

As Bitcoin becomes deeply integrated into the global financial system, its value is no longer limited to traditional economic indicators but begins to be significantly influenced by macroeconomic variables, leading to increased market volatility. This change not only prompts a reconsideration of Bitcoin’s positioning as “digital gold” but also deepens the confirmation of its status as an independent asset class.

Global Regulatory Environment: Navigating the Future Course of Bitcoin.

The dual impact of the global regulatory environment on Bitcoin is evident. On one hand, it sets boundaries for Bitcoin’s innovation and application, while on the other hand, it also provides a framework for the legalization and widespread acceptance of Bitcoin. In this context, the “Adaptive Regulatory Framework (ARF)” becomes crucial in understanding how Bitcoin positions itself within global regulatory policies, signaling a future path that balances regulation and innovation.

The Unique Positioning of Cosmos: The Future of Decentralized Networks

Image source: https://www.gemini.com/cryptopedia/cosmos-crypto-network-internet-of-blockchains

Cosmos, with its innovative architecture and unique perspective, is reshaping the future of decentralized networks in the blockchain space. Through its distinctive Hub-and-Zone model, Cosmos has not only achieved a technological breakthrough in cross-chain interoperability but also empowered developers with unprecedented freedom through modular design. This enables them to build and deploy highly customized blockchain applications based on specific needs. Such design philosophy injects vitality into the innovation of the DeFi ecosystem and outlines a clear development blueprint for Cosmos.

In the ongoing evolution of the DeFi market, Cosmos demonstrates its multifaceted potential, particularly by attracting attention from users and capital through the liquidity staking of ATOM assets. Expectations are high for Cosmos to further strengthen its DeFi ecosystem in lending and DEX fields, increase the utilization of cross-chain assets, and broaden access to external assets.

Looking ahead, the diversity of applications (dApps) and ecosystem within the Cosmos ecosystem will be crucial in attracting developers and users, enhancing network activity. Despite challenges from competitors like Solana and Aptos, Cosmos’ leading advantage in the IBC system has contributed significantly to its network utility. Looking into 2024, Cosmos is expected to maintain its ecosystem diversity and activity, especially in DeFi, Web3, NFTs, and gaming fields. The deepening development of cross-chain technology is anticipated to open up new growth opportunities for Cosmos. Additionally, with the increasing volume of IBC network transactions and the steady growth of ATOM prices, Cosmos’ market valuation expectations are set to significantly rise.

Cryptocurrency Wallet Landscape: Cross-Border Revolution and a New Chapter of Security.

Image source: https://btc-alpha.com/zh/stories/zh-what-are-the-cryptocurrency-wallets

Image source: https://learnblockchain.cn/article/5575

As we delve into the evolution trajectory of cryptocurrency wallets in 2024, we witness a revolution driven by both security and user experience, unveiling a new chapter of cross-border innovation and security mechanisms. With the deepening expansion of the blockchain ecosystem and the growing awareness of privacy and asset protection, the innovation direction of cryptocurrency wallets is evolving towards “Smart Contract-Driven Secure Architecture (SCDSA)” and “Intuitive Interactive User Interface (IIUI).” In this process, technologies such as multi-signature, biometric authentication, and hardware wallet

are developing in parallel to enhance security capabilities while optimizing user experience, achieving a high degree of unity between security and convenience.

In response to the need to attract and retain emerging users, the design concept of cryptocurrency wallets is gradually shifting towards “Decentralized Finance Integrated Experience (DeFi-UX),” which includes core DeFi functions such as staking, borrowing, and liquidity mining, as well as deep integration with the expanding NFT market. This integrated experience not only promotes the widespread adoption of Web3 applications but also signals the transformation of cryptocurrency wallets from traditional asset management tools to roles as “Decentralized Identity and Social Interaction Platforms (DIASP).”

In this context, the rise of “Account Abstraction (AA)” technology is particularly important. AA technology brings functional leaps to smart contract wallets, including but not limited to batch transaction processing, gas fee payment delegation, and private key recovery, demonstrating the integration of technological innovation and market demand. Additionally, as the multi-chain ecosystem continues to grow, cross-chain operations and multi-chain compatibility become key challenges and turning points for the development of cryptocurrency wallets. In 2024, cryptocurrency wallets not only need to overcome this challenge at the technical level but also achieve revolutionary progress in user experience to ensure the convenience and efficiency of transactions.

In summary, the future development of cryptocurrency wallets in 2024 will be a multidimensional evolutionary story centered around smart contract security architecture and intuitive interactive interfaces. DeFi-UX and DIASP emerge as new development directions, while breakthroughs in account abstraction technology and cross-chain compatibility signify significant innovations in the functionality and experience of cryptocurrency wallets. In this process, the deep application of decentralized technology and meticulous understanding of user needs collectively drive cryptocurrency wallets into a new stage of higher security and better experience.

From the innovation of Rollup technology to the complex dynamics of the LSDFi market, and to the technological evolution of major cryptocurrency assets like Bitcoin and Cosmos, each step is an exploration of the future and a challenge to the limitations of reality. We remain optimistic about these directions in both bullish and bearish cycles. While the future is uncertain, understanding current technological trends allows us to better prepare for the upcoming changes. After all, in the rapidly evolving blockchain industry, today’s frontier may become tomorrow’s norm.


  1. This article is reprinted from [Bing Ventures], All copyrights belong to the original author [Bing Ventures]. If there are objections to this reprint, please contact the Gate Learn team, and they will handle it promptly.
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