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Aethir Network: Building Decentralized Communication Networks through Blockchain Technology

BeginnerMay 01, 2024
Aethir stands at the forefront of decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure, delivering innovative solutions tailored for the expanding needs of the artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming industries.
Aethir Network: Building Decentralized Communication Networks through Blockchain Technology

1. Project Overview

Aethir leads the way in decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure, providing unique solutions that cater to the escalating demands of the artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming sectors.

As the global uptake of artificial intelligence and cloud gaming continues to surge, the traditional centralized cloud infrastructures are increasingly inadequate, leading to a computational resource crunch. In response, Aethir leverages enterprise-grade GPU as a Service (GaaS) to offer a scalable and cost-effective decentralized solution that can meet the intense demands of these sectors. Its infrastructure connects GPU providers with clients needing substantial processing capabilities for AI/ML tasks and gaming. Aethir’s decentralized cloud infrastructure is noteworthy for its independence from any single entity and its distribution across a network of autonomous nodes, which enhances scalability, cost efficiency, transparency, and security. Sales of Aethir nodes provide a chance to contribute to this infrastructure. Participants managing these nodes play a crucial role in decentralizing the network, validating data and services, and receive Aethir’s native tokens $ATH as rewards. The Aethir Network is a distinctive digital ecosystem that merges technology with economics, akin to a vibrant city where miners, developers, users, token holders, and the Aethir DAO work together to ensure seamless operations. The ATH token lies at the core of the Aethir ecosystem. It is a versatile asset used not only for transactions but also for governance, incentivization, and platform development. The design of ATH ensures that as the Aethir ecosystem expands and solidifies its foothold in the cloud computing sector, the value of ATH and its holders will continue to grow, thereby ensuring the alignment of objectives between the token holders and the team.

2. At its heart

Aethir operates on a groundbreaking decentralized cloud computing platform that revolutionizes how businesses access cloud computing, leveraging a network of distributed Graphics Processing Units (GPUs).

This approach, known as GPU as a Service (GaaS), marks a departure from the traditional centralized cloud computing setups, offering a novel way to manage computing resources.

  • Decentralized GPU Networks:

Unlike conventional models that depend on centralized data centers for GPU power, Aethir’s decentralized GaaS framework enables a multitude of individual GPU owners to share their spare computational capacity. This method fosters a rich, varied pool of resources, allowing users in need of GPU power for AI, machine learning, or gaming to tap into these resources as needed.

  • Peer-to-peer model:

Aethir’s model is built on a peer-to-peer basis, where GPU resources are shared directly among users without the interference of central authorities or middlemen. This peer-to-peer network empowers users seeking GPU capabilities to directly connect with providers, streamlining the process of finding necessary computational power.

  • Leveraging blockchain technology:

Blockchain technology is the cornerstone of Aethir’s decentralized approach, ensuring that transactions between GPU providers and users are both secure and transparent. Through smart contracts, the platform automatically manages resource allocation, payments, and adherence to agreed-upon service terms, fostering trust among participants.

  • Incentivization through Tokens:

Aethir introduces a token-based incentive system (using ATH tokens, for example) to encourage the sharing of GPU resources. Providers earn tokens for their contributions, which can be used within the ecosystem for trades, other services, or governance activities, creating a vibrant, self-sustaining community.

  • Cost efficiency and scalability:

Aethir’s decentralized GaaS model is designed to be more cost-effective than traditional cloud services by potentially reducing management overheads. Its scalability is another significant advantage; as more GPU owners join and share their resources, the network can expand to accommodate increasing demand without necessitating heavy investment in physical infrastructure.

  • Enhancing Accessibility and Reducing Latency:

Owning a distributed GPU network allows users to tap into resources that are geographically nearer, which significantly cuts down on latency. This advantage is especially crucial for real-time applications, such as gaming or on-the-fly data processing in artificial intelligence.

  • Democratizing Access to Computing Power:

This model levels the playing field by making high-performance computing resources accessible to more people. Small businesses, researchers, and individuals who might find the cost of enterprise-grade GPU services prohibitive can now access the computing power they need through shared resources available on the network. Overall, decentralized GaaS platforms like Aethir are designed to overhaul traditional cloud computing by offering a decentralized, efficient, and accessible method to share and leverage GPU resources. This breakthrough could dramatically affect sectors that rely on GPU power, making these resources both easier to access and more affordable. Beyond GaaS, nodes — critical elements of the network infrastructure — serve unique functions within Aethir’s decentralized framework.

Inspector node:

Checker Nodes: Checker nodes monitor the network to ensure other nodes provide computational resources that adhere to performance standards, including uptime, latency, and service quality. Rewards: These nodes’ operators earn ATH tokens as a reward for helping maintain the network’s integrity. Decentralized Impact: Through the verification of data and services from other nodes, checker nodes enhance the network’s decentralization and security.

Worker Nodes: Role: Worker nodes supply the essential computational power needed for tasks that require intense GPU use, like AI computations or game streaming. Incentives: Their operators are compensated with ATH tokens, which aligns their interests with maintaining a robust and efficient network.

Indexer Nodes: Functionality: These nodes catalog and organize network resources, simplifying the process for users to locate and deploy appropriate GPU resources. They facilitate connections between user demands and the corresponding worker nodes, ensuring that the services provided meet user expectations. Stability and Scalability Contributions: Constant monitoring by nodes ensures reliable uptime and quality, critical for user trust and network dependability. They also balance the load across the network, enhancing performance and preventing failures. Governance: Operators may have voting rights within network governance, allowing them to influence decisions that shape the network’s future.

Network Dynamics: Launch: Nodes are introduced through mechanisms like public sales, which help quickly build and spread the network’s infrastructure. Maintenance: Post-launch, nodes work together to handle requests and uphold quality, facilitating the network’s ongoing expansion and its ability to meet emerging needs. Nodes form the backbone of Aethir’s decentralized cloud service, crucial for the efficient operation of its GaaS model. Rewarding node operators with ATH tokens links their financial gains directly to their contributions to network health, incentivizing them to optimize their performance for the greater good of the Aethir ecosystem.

3. ATH Token:

ATH is the native token of the Aethir ecosystem and serves multiple functions:

  • Transactional Role:

ATH serves as the primary medium of exchange within Aethir. Those needing to buy processing power connect with node operators and use ATH to pay for their services. This arrangement is integral to Aethir’s three core areas of operation: artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and virtual computing.

  • Diversified applications:

In addition to its use in artificial intelligence applications, virtualized computing, and cloud gaming, ATH also finds application as the ecosystem evolves. With the introduction of merged mining and integrated markets, the use case for ATH tokens as the preferred transaction medium will continue to increase, showcasing its adaptability, relevance, and future integrability. ATH could potentially be incorporated into a wide range of different use cases.

  • Governance and participation:

Governance and Participation: Furthermore, as Aethir progressively establishes its DAO, ATH tokens also play an additional role in governance. Token holders have the right to propose, discuss, and vote on platform changes, ensuring Aethir maintains its decentralized ethos.

  • Staking:

New node operators wishing to contribute to the Aethir ecosystem must hold ATH tokens as an initial commitment. This staking mechanism ensures that participants are economically aligned with the platform’s goals. Beyond serving as a symbol of commitment, staked ATH tokens also act as a safeguard against potential misconduct. If any node operator deviates from platform standards or exhibits any form of misconduct, they face the risk of having their staked ATH tokens reduced, either partially or entirely.

Token Distribution Overview:

Team and Advisors: 17.50% of tokens are designated for the team and advisors, subject to an 18-month vesting period followed by a 36-month linear release.

Private Sale: 11.75% of tokens are set aside for private sales, with a 12-month cliff before starting a 24-month linear vesting schedule.

KOL Round: Key Opinion Leaders are allocated 1.50% of the tokens, with 10% available at the Token Generation Event (TGE), a 3-month cliff, and a subsequent 15-month linear release.

Reserves: 4.75% of tokens are held as reserves, fully vested at TGE.

Ecosystem Incubation: 8.00% of tokens are earmarked for ecosystem incubation efforts, with 50% vested at TGE and the remainder over a 24-month linear period.

DAO Vault: 6.00% of tokens are stored in the Decentralized Autonomous Organization’s vault, released linearly over 48 months.

Checker Nodes: 15.00% of tokens are allocated to checker nodes, with disbursement based on performance in the network’s reward system.

Edge/Enterprise/IDC: 30.00% of tokens are directed towards edge computing, enterprises, or Internet Data Centers, with release terms aligned with the reward system for operational nodes.

Market Performance: As of the latest update, ATH is priced at $0.001577, showing an 8.78% increase over the last week. ATH has a market capitalization of $157,741.11 and is ranked #5713, reflecting its niche position in the cryptocurrency market. The total circulating supply of ATH tokens is reported to be 100,000,000.

Mining Rewards: Aethir has strategically allocated a large portion of its total token supply to mining rewards, underlining its commitment to strengthening its ecosystem. This allocation reflects the high value placed on the contributions of its members. Key reasons for this strategy include:

  1. Supporting Node Operators: Node operators, who supply essential computational power, are crucial to Aethir’s infrastructure. The reward fund is designed to attract and retain these vital resource providers.
  2. Maintaining Standards: Aethir depends on containers to deliver computational resources efficiently. By offering compelling incentives, Aethir ensures it attracts top-tier resource providers.

Overall, these mining rewards represent an investment in Aethir’s future, not merely a token distribution. The strategy aims to ensure the platform’s immediate effectiveness and long-term sustainability. The mining rewards are meticulously structured as follows:

  1. Proof of Rendering Work: Node operators receive token rewards as extra remuneration for completing specific computational tasks within the ecosystem, motivating new participants to offer valuable computational services. These rewards are designated for containers upon task completion.
  2. Proof of Rendering Capacity: This certification allows computing providers to demonstrate their capability to offer services, providing them with incentives even in the absence of active jobs to reduce entry risks and bolster ecosystem growth.

4. Team/Leadership:

Aethir is spearheaded by a highly experienced and successful team known for their achievements in the tech and business sectors. CEO Mark Rydon has previously contributed his expertise to organizations such as NOTA Platform, Flux Capital, and Bechtel Corporation, among others. CBO Daniel has significant experience with firms including Mythos Venture Partners and Riot Games, enhancing Aethir’s strategic and operational framework.

To date, Aethir’s fundraising efforts have marked significant achievements in securing financial support for its growth and expansion strategies. Through an Initial DEX Offering (IDO) and various other fundraising initiatives, Aethir has successfully raised a total of $11.53 million. The public sale contributed $2.53 million, while 22 funding rounds collectively brought in $9 million, making up 78% of the total funds raised. These efforts have placed Aethir’s valuation at an impressive $15 billion.

The detailed fundraising activities for Aethir included several notable events:From March 18 to March 22, 2024, an IDO on the Impossible Finance platform gathered $1.34 million with tokens priced at $0.013; Another IDO was held from March 12 to March 14, 2024, on Solanium, raising $234.77K with a token price of $0.0159; A private sale on DexCheck Pad from March 11 to March 13, 2024, successfully raised $1.38 million with tokens priced at $0.014; A significant pre-Series A funding round on July 26, 2023, raised $9 million and was valued at $150 million, led by prominent investors such as HashKey Capital, Merit Circle, and Sanctor Capital.

5. Future Development Analysis:

Overall, Aethir is an ambitious project with the potential to change the distributed cloud computing infrastructure for gaming and AI-related applications. The network’s founders aim to create an open, economical, and accessible high-performance platform for developers, where they can build and deploy applications without worrying about handling server space. Moreover, the public node sale completed in March marks a significant step forward for Aethir. As the node network continues to expand, Aethir could become a viable alternative to traditional cloud computing solutions. However, Aethir still faces several challenges:

Competition: The cloud computing market is already crowded with established players. Aethir needs to demonstrate its cost-effectiveness and scalability to attract users.

Network Security: Maintaining a secure and reliable network using distributed infrastructure is crucial.

Tokenomics: The long-term success of Aethir depends on the stability and value of its native token ($ATH). If the network can deliver on its promises, it has the potential to become one of the leading cloud platforms in the blockchain space.

Considering all factors, Aethir can be described as an innovative crypto project.


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